martes, 21 de octubre de 2008


We had a Halloween party in the little cheerleaders gym. The party started at 7:00 and all the people went there with them costumes. There were a lot of costumes: clown, ancient Greeks, chicken, butterfly,cheerleader...
My costume was about Marilyn Monroe with a white dress and blond wig. All the time there was one Dj who put music and we can dance all the time. The best was the food smarties, M&m's, chocolate.....WOW! We ate a lot of but dance too to lose weight :)

The party finished at 10:30, all the Spanish students will remember this day, I'm sure.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

October 15th NeWpOrT

Today the spanish students went on a trip to Newport. It was an hour away on the bus. We saw two big mansions. They were both on the ocean and were very rich. They were very pretty. We saw the mansion of a man that had 7 wives and 8 children. Everything was filled with gold. The whole trip was very fun because the tour guide was a little crazy, he was 80 years old. After we went to eat and we had free time to do what we wanted like shop. I bought two sweatshirts for 20 dollars. It was very cheap. We ate very good italian food at a resturaunt with a waiter that was very fun because he was always saying jokes.

October, 14th happy birthday lorraine...

Today is the birthday of my "american mother." I got her a bag of Lindt chocolates and a card that has pacman on it and when you open it, it sings the pacman song. Lorraine loves pacman very much so she loved the card! :D In class we were talking about things that we didn't understand in english and we learned some new expressions like "it's pouring!" and "hilairious!" After we watched the movie "En el punto de mira." Then I had to go to the dentist because one of my braces broke. It was not a big deal and the appointment was only five minutes. My english teacher came with me because I was worried they wouldn't understand me. When I got back to school I ate lunch. We went home and like always we were hungry so we ate. We broke our diet. In the evening we hung out with Andrea, a very fun girl. We went to her house and played Wii which was very funny! After we went back to the school for theater and I talked with other Spanish students. It was a very interesting night.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

October, 13th

Today I went to Sturbridge Village. It's a town with houses and people from the 18th century. We could try on costumes from that time period. We saw how they dye the wool different colors. We saw a horse&carraige. We went in all types of houses: rich, poor, very decorated. We also saw a bank and a tavern. On the streets the people were singing and riding horses. When I got home Scarlett was with her friends Doug and Kelsie. We hung out for a little while then later me and Scarlett tried on a bumble bee costume!! It was very cute. Then I went to sleep.


My weekend was very hilarious. We went to New Hampshire. A place where the trees are very colorful. We stayed in an apartment to sleep. It was very pretty and comfortable. In the evening after we ate at Cracker Barrel a Texan restaraunt, we fun to Funspot that is an enormous arcade with videogames from Pacman to Blackjack! We played a ton of games. You have to pay for tokens to play the games and it's a lot cheaper than it is in Spain. We played a game that was like baseball! Scarlett, her mother, and I all is very important to win :D We played a game where you throw balls into trash cans and we won so many tickets! Later we gave the tickets in to win a cup for coffee and a cup of candies that were very "yummy." Sunday in the afternoon we went to Polar Caves. It's a place with caves that you climb in. There the trees were soo pretty, we took a lot of pictures! We also fed the ducks. I bought three postcards. We went to Scarlett's grandmother's house and I met Scarlett's cousins and her friends. They rode bikes and played "two square." My weekend was spectacular! I visited many new interesting places. Oh, I forgot! We watched the Notebook and V for Vendetta. The Notebook made me cry! It was very good. When we got to the apartment me and Scarlett realized that for the last week we had been eating so unhealthily!!!!!! So we wrote on a piece of paper that we promised to eat healthy for the next two weeks while I am here. That night we ran up and down the stairs 30 times and did abdominal workouts and we danced "batuka."

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

7th day..

Today we went to the middle schools to visit the students and they were very fun. We taught them the macarena. We ate pizza for lunch and for dinner! And tomorrow surely we will have pizza! We returned to the high school and we used the computers for the last mod. We found students from the high school that we know and we talked with them. After we went to an ENORMOUS mall! All the stores were very expensive therefore i didn't buy anything. At night we went to dinner with Scarlett's parents and we had, of course, PIZZA!!! :D After I had a "small" ice cream of watermelon. Then when we got home we looked at the costumes that Scarlett has for Halloween.

6th day in Boston...


Today we went to boston and i loved it! The buildings, the stores and the boxes that you get newspapers from. We saw all these things in a "Duck Bus." with a tourguide that was very funny and he always said "quack quack" The surprise of the trip was that we went in the water with the bus!! The tourguide let us drive the "duck." It was a very fun trip although the wind. Later we went to the Science Museam where we saw many intersting and fun things. We saw a film about historical Sea Creatures. We returned to house and in the evening we rested in the house. We spent time with Scarlett's parents and we saw the decorations that some houses had for Halloween!

5th day...

Another day in the high school but today was different. We only went to spanish classes and it was very funny because we played a lot of games to learn english and the american people learned spanish. We played games like taboo, dictionary, and other games. I met a lot of people and in the evening we went to Sports Authority and bought a sweatshirt from the school.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008


My hOuSE AnD FaMiLy!(photos)

4th....A very good day!

Second day in High Schoooooool!!! :D
I love each day more and more. We started in math class. I was "very fun" and we worked with functions. My second class was ceramics. We saw very original pots. Scarlett broke the head off of her snake pot. Poor snake! :( Next we had my favorite part, lunch where we ate macaroni and salad. I saw that it's not always a hamburger. Next I went to history class where we went on the computer and Beatriz Castaneda and I introduced the class to "Pedro Responder." We ended the day with spanish class where I met more people. The best part of the day was the evening. Scarlett and I made cookies with pumpkins on them and after we spent the evening shopping. We found belts that changed colors when you moved them and I found a shirt for my brother that says "Red Sox." At night we went to the high school for theater where I got to talk to people and we made videos of people saying "Oh my dog!" It was the best day in America so far.


martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

3rd day...

My first day in high school:
High school in the United States is very different than it is in Spain. It is full of the mascot, a Hawk. First we went on a tour of the whole school with our host. It has the gym and the pool like in the films. My first class was computer class called "web design." We didn't do anything because there weren't enough computers for everyone. The best part of the day was lunch because it was very fun, I got to be around all of the American students. I ate a hamburger on a tray. After I had history class and then spanish class. Spanish class went very well because we got to watch an episode of "Destinos." Destinos is a series about mexican people who speak very slowly in spanish. I really like this High School because here they have more freedom. They can listen to music and eat in class. Everything is done is groups. After school I went to cheerleading practice. I liked it very much because they were great gymnists. After we ate dinner. Then we went to theater practice of the Grinch. It was a very special day!

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

second day....

Today I woke up at 8:30 and I ate a typical American breakfast. First I poured the cereal, then the milk, like in the films.
In the morning, we went to church (it was in an auditorium, not an actual church) It was very different than the church in Spain. The choir leader was wearing a hat and an "americana." It was very fun because we sang a lot and it was the typical sermon from the films and the people spoke and said "amen! amen!"
The bread was actual bread and the wine was served in little cups made of fluor.
There was an intermission during the sermon.
I met a person named Dave who spoke spanish very well and used to live in Spain for five years. He was very nice.
After we went to a barbaque with the other students from spain. We ate pizza and hamburgers and salad. There were Halloween deserts with pumpkins and black and orange sprinkles!
In the afternoon we went shopping at the Solmond Pond Mall. I didn't buy anything.
For dinner I ate at Scarlett's house and we had tacos. We went with Scarlett's dad to Dairy Queen to get ice cream. I got ice cream with M&Ms.
Finally everyone went to bed because we had to wake up early for school the next day.

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

FiRsT DaY! WeLcOmE To UsA!

Wow! I can't belive it! I'm in the Usa!
This morning we arrived at the school and we said goodbye to our parents. They gave us advice for our trip. Bye, bye Mum and Dad!
Two hours we were in the bus!!! I splept and met the other spanish teenagers. We spoke about our american famiies and things about the Usa.
We arrived at the airport and there the teachers told us "great" news: our flight was delayed one hour! Another hour to wait!
Finally we got in the airplane. The flight lasted eight hours. EIGHT HOURS! We had time to be bored, but I must recognize that the flight was a lot of fun.
The food (if I can call it "food") was very...very..scarce. First we had dry pasta, later one salad, and finally, I can't forget it! 40 grams of milk. Wow! I was full! I couldn't eat anymore!
But, for this reason, the lunch in the plane was very funny.
We saw two films and later we filled out a questionnaire to enter into the United States of America. Very fun!
They asked us if we had caracoles and if we are nazi's or terrorists.
You can see that our flight was complete and comfortable.
After when we left again with our big suitcases we went to Milford High School to meet our families.
Scarlett! My new sister!
She is very friendly!
And my new parents, too. (I don't remember their names, ups!)
Scarlett is sixteen and lives in the typical house same as the films. The family is very friendly and immediately they attended to me very good.
At dinner I ate rice and chicken. (I write this so my parents can see it.)
And this is the end of my long day. Here in America it is six hours behind.
I hope to learn a lot of english but more than anything I want to have a great time.
"I want to live in America! Lalalala, America!"

one kiss! see you soon,
Sara.This is Scarlett my american sister!this is my new family:
lorraine, my mother, next to her, Autumn the older sister (but now she is in Madrid), in front of Lorraine is Robert, my father and next to him is Scarlett, my sister.